Displaying content

We use DOM element components to display traditional HTML elements within Famous applications. Every DOM element component attaches to an application through a single scene graph node.

Hello World!

To add a DOM Element component, pass a node to the DOMElement constructor as its first parameter. The constructor also accepts a second options hash parameter.

var DOMElement = require('famous/dom-renderables/DOMElement')
// add an element
var basicElement = new DOMElement(rootNode, {
    content: 'Goodbye World!'
// set its content
basicElement.setContent('Hello World!')

The .setContent() method sets the given string argument as the content of the displayed element.

HTML content

We aren't limited to plain text content; DOM element components also accept HTML content. Pass an HTML string to the .setContent() method just like we would a plain text string.

basicElement.setContent('<em>Here</em> is some <strong>formatted</strong> text content.')

A basic DOM element component is equivalent to a <div>, so it can accept any valid HTML that could go into a <div> in a normal HTML document.

Images & other elements

DOM element components can represent elements other than <div>s, such as <img> or <video> or even <iframe>.

For changing the tag, pass the new tag name in an options object to the DOM element constructor. As its second parameter, the constructor accepts an object with a tagName key and the new HTML tag name as its value.

var titleElement = new DOMElement( node, { tagName: 'h1' } ); // creates an <h1> element
var inputElement = new DOMElement( otherNode, { tagName: 'input' } ); // creates an <input>

Element attributes

Any attribute that is valid HTML5 can be set on DOM Element components. Add attributes by calling the .setAttributes() method on a DOM element component or by passing them to the constructor in an options object.

The .setAttribute() method takes an attribute name as the first argument, and the value as the second.

titleElement.setAttribute('lang', 'ar') // Set language to Arabic
            .setAttribute('dir', 'rtl') // Set right-to-left text direction
            .setAttribute('contenteditable', true) // Etc.
            .setAttribute('allowfullscreen', true)
            .setContent('السلام عليكم');

When passing attributes to the constructor in an options object, add an attributes property with the attribute names and values stored in an object as key value pairs.

// This does the same as the code above
var titleElement = new DOMElement(child, { 
    attributes: {
      lang: 'ar',            
      dir: 'ltr'             
      contenteditable: true, 

titleElement.setContent('السلام عليكم');