Styling content

While we recommend using external CSS files for styling content, Famous gives us several options for styling DOM Element components both inline and externally.

Basic Styling

Use the DOM Element component's .setProperty() method to add a single inline CSS style.

var basicElement = new DOMElement(rootNode);
// add inline styles
basicElement.setProperty('background-color', 'teal')
            .setProperty('border-radius', '50%')
            .setProperty('border', '2px solid black')

The .setProperty() method takes a stringified CSS property name and value as its only two parameters. Note how the methods can be chained.

Adding Multiple Styles

When creating a new DOM element component, you can also add multiple CSS styles through an options object passed to its constructor. In the options object, use a properties key associated with an object containing the CSS property names and values stored as key value pairs.

// does the same as the code above
var childEl = new DOMElement(rootNode, {
  properties: {
    'background-color': 'teal',
    'border-radius': '50%',
    'border': '2px solid black'

Note that hyphenated CSS property names must be stringified.

Best Practice: Adding Classes and IDs

In line with HTML conventions, it's a better practice to control the style of elements through external CSS files. To do this, Famous let's you add classes and IDs as you would in a traditional HTML document.

Classes and ids of any element can be set through the DOM Element constructor's options object. Provide the options object an id as a string and classes as an array of class names.

 var element = new DOMElement(node, {
  id: 'my-custom-id',
  classes: ['class-one', 'class-two']

Additionally, classes and IDs can be altered at any point using the .setId(), .addClass(), and .removeClass() methods.


It is important to note that you can also include classes and IDs in the HTML strings passed to the .setContent() method.

element.setContent('<h1 id="header-main"> This is my main header </h1><h2 class="sub-header"> This is my sub-header </h2>');